A last word..
We should be on our guard against the devil’s at tempt to intimidate us with regard to sustenance. Allah Almighty
25/04/2022 867 -
Forgotten provisions!
Good morals, being secure in your homeland, enjoying good health, having enough food for your day, meeting a loved
24/04/2022 760 -
The keys to provisions..
One of the best ways for at taining happiness and tranquility is to rely upon the Almighty Lord, the
23/04/2022 957 -
Abundant sustenance does not denote love from Allah Almighty. The disbelievers and the ignorant mistakenly think
21/04/2022 801 -
His treasures are full.
The sustenance of Allah Almighty is inexhaustible, and He gives it without suffering any trouble, difficulty, or
20/04/2022 845 -
Predestination had already been written..
If the sustenance of a person lied within a rock stationed in the sea, hard and smooth,it would split openso that
19/04/2022 780 -
Ar-Razzāq (The All-Provider)
You become hungry and thirsty and then your hunger and thirst are quenched; you become needy and then your needs
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