Everything has a measure:
Allah Almighty says:{...Whoever puts his trust in Allah, He is sufficient for him. Indeed, Allah will surely
08/07/2022 789 -
Do not wonder!
Our Lord points out His ability in the Noble Qur’an, as He says: {...Allah is not such that something can escape
05/07/2022 761 -
Predestination had already been written..
Our Lord, Exalted be He, predestined all determinations. He knew the measures and times of all things before
04/07/2022 691 -
His ability is complete..
Part of His ability is that:{...He punishes whom He wills and forgives whom He wills, and Allah is Most Capable
02/07/2022 699 -
Al-Qādir, Al-Qadīr, Al-Muqtadir (The Able -The Omnipotent -The Supreme Determiner)
Whoever establishes the commands of Allah, Allah will support him and whoever uses whatever is in his power for
28/06/2022 1238