Sunnah before and after prayer

Dr Fakhruddin bin Zubair Al-Mahsi

Article translated to : العربية Français

1. One prays two raka’ahs before al-Fajr prayer, he recitesafter Al-Fatiha in the first raka’ah “Surat Al-Kafirun”, and in the second “Surat Al-Ikhlas”.

2. One prays two raka’ahs before adh-Dhuhr and two after it. Or four before adh-Dhuhr and four after it, and it is also allowed to  separate between them with tasleem or merge between them like the obligatory prayer.

3. One also prays four raka’ahs before al-’Asr.

4. One prays before al-Maghrib two raka’ahs and after it two raka’ahs.

5. After al-Isha’a one prays two raka’ahs.

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