• The Earth Swallows Korah

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    KorahAnother of the episodes during the wandering is the story of Korah[1].  Korah, named Qaroon in the

    24/01/2010 10711
  • Condemned to Wander

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    The Wandering YearsThe tale of the Ten Commandments and the detailing of the Law of Moses are not mentioned in the

    24/01/2010 4323
  • People Turn away from God

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    The Golden CalfWhen Moses arrived at the Camp with the tablets in his hand, he was confronted with a sight he

    24/01/2010 4612
  • From Sea to Mountain

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    The Story of Moses began in Egypt, where the Children of Israel had found refuge with Joseph over 400 years

    24/01/2010 4949
  • The Death of the Pharaoh

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    None of the signs Moses was sent with to the Pharaoh proved to be sufficient to change his blind belief in his own

    24/01/2010 16536
  • The Plagues in Egypt

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    The Plagues and Their Effect“Indeed We afflicted the Pharaoh and his people with years of drought and

    24/01/2010 55209
  • Moses and the Sorcerers

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    The AppointmentThe Pharaoh was a consummate disbeliever.  He had dared challenge the Lordship of God even

    24/01/2010 7135
  • The Return to Egypt

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    Moses is Given His MissionWhen Moses stood by the bright, burning bush, he heard the voice of his Lord commanding

    24/01/2010 4533
  • Moses in Midian

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    Moses grew to be a man of noticeable strength. This strength in fact led him to kill another man. In the Bible,

    24/01/2010 8223
Knowing AllahIt's a beautiful day