The Keys to Paradise
The Keys to Paradise Shamsuddeen Muhammad bin Abee Bakr Ibn Qayyim aj-Jawzeeyah (d.751)
10/12/2012 4464 -
Creationism, Evolution, Intelligent Design or Islam?
Creationism, natural selection, intelligent design, the theory of evolution. Thinking about the creation of
27/01/2010 5439 -
Agnosticism : Settling for Less
To return to Francis Bacon, he once opined, “They are ill discoverers that think there is no land, when they
27/01/2010 6838 -
Agnosticism : A Fruit of False Religions
So why the contemporary return to heresy-slash-Gnosticism, with the official sanction of so many religious
27/01/2010 7379 -
Agnosticism : Discussion on Huxley’s Statement
The tail-less fox searching for a “mantle of respectability?” So it would seem, but who
27/01/2010 7045 -
Agnosticism : The Concept of Agnosticism
“We cannot swing up a rope that is attached to our own belt.”--William Ernest Hocking The issue of
27/01/2010 7473 -
Contemporary Physicists and God’s Existence : Room for God
The idea that something is not created by anything, that it comes out of nothing, is very different from the idea
27/01/2010 8226 -
Contemporary Physicists and God’s Existence : A Series of Causes
If matter, time and space all had a beginning, the question that naturally comes to mind is: How did they come to be?
27/01/2010 8886