Our Small Place in God’s Creation
The awe-inspiring creation of God humbles us and compels us to recognize Him and Praise Him.
28/08/2019 2871 -
Is God Merciful? Islam’s Response to Evil & Suffering (Part 2 of 5)
The problem of evil has troubled humankind since time immemorial. This article gives the Islamic perspective on it in a simple and logical way.
29/07/2019 1873 -
Is God Merciful? Islam’s Response to Evil & Suffering (Part 1 of 5)
The problem of evil has troubled humankind since time immemorial. This article gives the Islamic perspective on it in a simple and logical way. Part 1: God is
29/07/2019 1973 -
The Divine Mercy of God (part 3 of 3): The Sinner
How the Mercy of God encompasses those who fall into sin.
15/07/2019 2634 -
The Divine Mercy of God (part 2 of 3): Its Warm Embrace
Mercy, as it is manifested in this life and in the Hereafter.
14/07/2019 2689 -
The Divine Mercy of God (part 1 of 3): God the Most-Merciful, the Dispenser of Mercy
A practical explanation of two of the most oft-repeated names of Allah: ar-Rahman and ar-Raheem, and the nature of the All-Encompassing Mercy of God.
14/07/2019 2944 -
Allah is Most Forgiving
Say, “O My servants who have transgressed against themselves [by sinning], do not despair of the mercy of Allah .
04/04/2018 4599 -
Can We See Allah?
This lesson addresses the question of whether Allah can be seen from an Islamic perspective as compared to the Judeo-Christian teachings.
19/02/2018 9777 -
Love of God and How to achieve it (part 1 of 2)
Types of love, what does loving Allah mean and what it necessitates, and the relationship between love of Allah and worship.
19/02/2018 2986