Allah's Name Al-Azeem -The Almighty, The Supreme Glory, The Mighty Splendor, The Most Grand, The Greatest

Allah's Name Al-Azeem -The Almighty, The Supreme Glory, The Mighty Splendor, The Most Grand, The Greatest

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Praise be to Allah, and blessings and peace be upon the Messenger of Allah, his family and companions.

Almighty Allah says

He is the Exalted, the Almighty

Ash-Shuraa: 4

Allah is The Greatest, with the Supreme Glory

Meanings and Denotations of Allah's Name Al-Azeem:

1- Allah has all the attributes of perfection, and each attribute of perfection is of the highest degree that no mind can imagine or grasp. He is the One Who is perfect in all aspects of prominence and might, He is Allah, may He be glorified, and it is not appropriate to ascribe His attributes to any but Him.

He is perfect in His might, and His might surpasses all expectations. His prominence and majesty exceeds all mental capacities. He is far Greater than anything you might have imagined, as how can a mind grasp the greatness of the Creator?

2- The absolute glory is due to only Him, glorifying anyone other than Him is transgression and falsehood, regardless of whom he is such as kings and the righteous.

Worshipping Allah by His Name Al-Azeem:

1- The believer should glorify His Lord, fear Him and bow to His glory.

2- Bowing and prostration are physical signs of glorifying Almighty Allah.

3- Glorifying Allah implies revering and respecting His Messenger, Peace Be upon Him.

4- Allah's Messenger, Peace be upon Him, commanded us to respect the elders and be merciful to the young.

5- Glorifying Allah requires swearing only by His Name, it is prohibited to swear by anything or anyone other than Him because that implies glorification of this creation as the Great Creator.

* Allah's Name Al-Azeem requires that the servant fears the gravity of the situation at hand, what will he do when he is to be called: "So and so, the son of so and so, come for the presentation of your deeds in front of Al-Jabbar (The All-Compelling)"?

- No wall or ceiling can hide him at that day, there is no one to support him or prevent him from such confrontation, so let people hasten to do good deeds during their lifetimes before death, in the hope that they win in the afterlife by surviving the horrors of the Resurrection Day and entering Paradise.


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