Methodological Milestones of the renewal

Methodological Milestones of the renewal

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Article translated to : العربية

The first thing with which the mission of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) started is the descent of the verses from the Quran. It was a great event. That was not followed by anything greater than it. The Quran has remained with the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) as the basis for calling to Allah in addition to the Prophetic Sunnah inspired by Allah to his Prophet. Which he pronounced in his speech, peace and blessings be upon him, and spread in his biography. But the Quran was the source of all the lights.

 Islam spread among  people, the flow of the Quran on the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, was the basic material to educate the generation. Starting from Dar al-Arqam and the streets of Mecca, then the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, migrated to  Al-Madina, then he conquered Mecca and then people entered the religion of Allah in multitudes! In a period of time that does not exceed twenty years! And from there he set out to the world in circumstances not different from the first time, with the rightly guided caliphs and others after them. This is a basic observation, I mean: the flow of the call in a short time period! Rather it is not running according to the law of human society, in terms of the spreading of ideas, beliefs and doctrines. In about twenty-two years of the social circulation of the Quran, education and striving, Islam became the powerful religion of Allah, Then the victorious religion on all other religions! Then It's a mission.

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