The secret lies in the beauty of supplication!

Abdullah ibn Mushabbib al-Qahtāni

Allah Almighty loves those who supplicate Him. Rather, if it were not for their supplication, He would not care about them. He says:

{Say: “My Lord would not care for you were it not for your supplication...”}

[Surat al-Furqān: 77]

One of the supplications whereby we can draw close to our Lord is this one, which He teaches us in the Qur’an:

{Andthose who say: “Our Lord, grant us from among our wives and offspring comfort to our eyes and make us an example f or the righteous.”}

[Surat al-Furqān: 74]

And after this supplication, He gives the promise of Paradise:

{Those will be awarded the Chamber for what they patiently endured, and they will be received therein with greetings and [words of] peace.}

[Surat al-Furqān: 75]

Whoever becomes attached to Allah Almighty, resorts to Him whenever he is in distress, and frequently knocks on His door with humble submission and sincere supplication, Allah will honor, protect, and support him throughout his life and give him bey ond his wishes.

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