Al-‘Azhīm (The Magnificent)

Abdullah ibn Mushabbib al-Qahtāni

Glory be to You, the Magnificent Lord!

You give sovereignty to whom You will, bring poverty after opulence, lower some people after being in a high position, and humiliate and weaken whom You will after being honorable and strong. You elevate whom You will, grant success to whom You will, decree acceptance among people for whom You will, and You give whom You will and withhold from whom You will; goodness lies in Your hand; indeed You have power over all things.

There is no god except You, the Magnificent, the Forbearing.

Your attributes are so sublime and magnificent.

that we cannot extend enough praise to You.

“Al-‘Azhīm” is one of the Beautiful Names of Allah Almighty. A sublime name for a Magnificent Lord. It comprises the mean ings of magnificence, greatness, honor, and might.

It gives a sense of supreme strength and awe. Allah Almighty says:

{...And He is the High, the Magnificent.}

[Surat al-Baqarah: 255]

The Magnificent Lord possesses supreme majesty and status, and His magnificence goes beyond all limits of our minds, which cannot perceive His nature or essence.

Our Lord is the Magnificent in His essence, and none is like Him in terms of His magnificence.

As an aspect of His magnificence, the heavens and the earth are smaller than a mustard seed in His hand.

{They did not revere Allah His true reverence. On the Day of Resurrection, the whole earth will be in His Grip, and the heavens will be rolled up in His Right Hand. Glorified and exalted is He above all what they associate with Him!}

[Surat az-Zumar: 67]

The Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) is authentically reported to have said:

“The seven heavens compared to the Kursi (Footstool) are only like a ring thrown in a desert; and the superiority of the Throne over the Kursi is like the superiority of this desert over this ring.”

[Narrated by Ibn Abu Shaybah; Sahīh (authentic)]

Such is the majesty and magnificence of the Kursi and the Throne, which are part of His creation. So, what about the magnificence of Allah Almighty Himself, Who rose over the Throne high above all His creation?!

Our Lord is magnificent in His attributes for He possesses all attributes of perfection. He is magnificent in His mercy, power, giving, and beauty.

In a Qudsi Hadīth, Allah Almighty said:

“Pride is My robe and magnificence is My lower garment. If anyone disputes with Me over one of them, I will throw him in Hellfire.”

[Narrated by Abu Dāwūd; Sahīh (authentic)]

Our Lord is magnificent also in His actions as they point to His vast wisdom, justice, grace, and will.

He is magnificent in every sense that requires us to glorify Him, and we cannot extol Him enough.

Indeed, Allah Almighty has perfect magnificence:

{They did not revere Allah His true reverence. On the Day of Resurrection, the whole earth will be in His Grip, and the heavens will be rolled up in His Right Hand. Glorified and exalted is He above all what they associate with Him!}

[Surat az-Zumar: 67]

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