Do you not long for Him?

Abdullah ibn Mushabbib al-Qahtāni

If we knew what Allah keeps in store for us, we would feel an intense desire to meet Him.

How often we fall ill and He cures us!

How often we are hit by hardships and He removes them!

How often He helps us repay our debts!

And how often He sends relief after we are in distress!

This does not happen by our strength or power, but only through His grace and kindness.

If others knock on the doors of kings, you go and knock on the door of the Almighty King.

And if they stand in the court of a ruler, you stand in the court of the Most Generous Lord.

If you suffer a severe illness or a heavy debt, grieve over the absence of someone you love, fear for your children, and get tired of poverty, remember then that Allah is:

{...the All-Subtle, the All-Aware.}

[Surat al-An‘ām: 103]

The keys to relief are in His hand, His storehouses are full, and He is indeed the Most Generous.

{And there is not a thingbut that with Us are its stores...}

[Surat al-Hijr: 21]

Happiness, security, comfort, pleasure, and cure are with Him, and in His hand is the dominion of all things, and He is over everything competent.

make it one of the best means of support for you. Indeed, He is:

{...the All-Subtle, the All-Aware.}

[Surat al-An‘ām: 103]

And when the All-Subtle Lord wants to cure you, He causes this to happen by the most unlikely or the weakest of means. Indeed, He is:

{...the All-Subtle, the All-Aware.}

[Surat al-An‘ām: 103]

Also, when the All-Subtle wants to give you sustenance, He facilitates for you things probably unknown to you. For example, He may send a poor person to you and you give him. In return, he supplicates for you, and his supplication gets answered, after which abundant sustenance comes your way, according to His will, while you are not aware of all this. Indeed, He is:

{...the All-Subtle, the All-Aware.}

[Surat al-An‘ām: 103]

Do you not long for Him?

If we knew what Allah keeps in store for us, we would feel an intense desire to meet Him. How often we fall ill and He cures us!

How often we are hit by hardships and He removes them! How often He helps us repay our debts! And how often He sends relief after we are in distress! This does not happen by our strength or power, but only through His grace and kindness. If others knock on the doors of kings, you go and knock on the door of the Almighty King. And if they stand in the court of a ruler, you stand in the court of the Most Generous Lord. If you suffer a severe illness or a heavy debt, grieve over the absence of someone you love, fear for your children, and get tired of poverty, remember then that Allah is:

{...the All-Subtle, the All-Aware.}

[Surat al-An‘ām: 103]

The keys to relief are in His hand, His storehouses are full, and He is indeed the Most Generous.

{And there is not a thingbut that with Us are its stores...}

[Surat al-Hijr: 21]

Happiness, security, comfort, pleasure,and cure are with Him, and in His hand is the dominion of all things, and He is over everything competent. So, do not be distressed while you are in His company no matter how hard you suffer in this world. You  should know that this is the means to you being selected by Allah Almighty, just as what happened to Yūsuf (Joseph) (peace be upon him)

And if you miss things that you think were the cause of your happiness, be certain that Allah kept them away from you before they become the cause of your misery.

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