The prayer description (3/5)

Dr Fakhruddin bin Zubair Al-Mahsi

Article translated to : العربية Français

21. According to sunnah, Al-Fatihah should be divided into ayahs “verses” i.e., one should stop at the beginning of every ayah saying: “In the name of Allah the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful”, then stops, then says: “Praise be to Allah” then stops and so on until the end of the surah.

22. If a person cannot read as in the case of those who converted recently into Islam, or it was difficult for them as they do not know Aabic, it is allowed to recite “Glorified is Allah, The praise is for Allah, There is none worthy of worship but Allah, Allah is the Greatest, and there is no power and no might except by Allah”. However, one should do his best to learn it.

23. Al-ma’mum recites it after the imam in secret prayers, and in audible prayers when the imam is silent.

24. It is of sunnah to recite after Al-Fatihah another surah, or a number of ayahs in the first two raka’ahs and sometimes in the last two raka’ahs as well.

25. It is of sunnah to elongate the reciting in the first raka’ah more than the second one and the reciting in the last two raka’ahs  should be shorter than the first as much as a half.

26. Reciting should be audible in al-Fajr prayer (morning), Friday prayer, the two Eids, salaat al-istisqa (the prayer for rain), Eclipse Prayer and the first two rak’ahs of al-Maghrib prayer (sunset) and Isha’a (evening prayer). Hence, it should be secret in adh-Dhuhr prayer (midday), al-’Asr prayer (late afternoon), and in the last raka’ah of al-Maghrib and the last two rak’ahs of Isha’a prayers.

27. As for al-Witr prayer and night prayer: reciting should be audible, and the voice should not be too high nor too low.

28. After finishing reciting Al-Fatihah and the surah: one stays silent for a second that is taking a breath.

29. Then one raises his hands close to his shoulders or the tip of his ears as in the initial takbeer and says Takbeer for ruku.

30. Then one does ruku and stays like that until the organs settle.

31. One puts his hands on his knees with keeping spaces between his fingers as if he is holding his knees and leaves his back straight as if he puts water on it, . In addition, one does not lower his head or raise it but keeps it in the same line with his back and keeps his elbows away from the sides and does not bring them together.

32. In ruku one should say “Subhana Rabbial-’athim [Glory be to my Lord Almighty]” three times or more, or anything from what is mentioned in sunnah.

33. Then one raises from ruku and says while standing up: “Sami Allahu liman hamidah [Allah hears the one who praises Him]”.

34. Then one raises his hands near his shoulders or the tip of his ears and not in the same way for dua’a.

35. Then one stands up reassured until all his bones take their place.

36. And says when standing up “Rabbana wa lakal-hamd [O our Lord, all praise be to you]”, and it is of sunnah to say dua’a of  previously mentioned.

37. Then one says Takbeer and does sujood on his hands which he puts before his knees, and it is allowed to put his knees before his hands whatever is easier.

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