The All-Encompassing Lord suffices you against your distress!

Abdullah ibn Mushabbib al-Qahtāni

If we understand the meaning of Allah’s name “Al-Wāsi‘”, our fears will go away and be replaced with tranquility and hope within our hearts.

When the farmer who finds the harvest of his crop delayed, as the water becomes scarce and his need for his fruits increases every day, knows that Allah is All-Encompassing, All-Knowing, he looks up to the sky, gets attached to his Lord, and calls out: O Allah, the All-Encompassing in giving, the All-Encompassing in mercy and generosity, give me from Your blessings and favors.

And when the barren man, who is greatly grieved and distressed due to his unfulfilled need for a child to play with and to fill his life, remembers that Allah is the All-Encompassing, the Most Generous, Who does not turn down a supplicant, a new life emerges within him and he calls out:

{...My Lord, grant me by Your grace virtuous offspring...}

[Surat Ᾱ l ‘Imrān: 38]

{...“My Lord, do not leave me childless, for You are the Best of the Inheritors.”So We answered his prayer and gav e him John, and made his wife fertile. They used to hasten i n doing good deeds and used to call upon Us with hope and fear, and they were humble before Us.}

[Surat al - Anbiyā’: 89 - 90]

And the sick person who suffers severe pains, when he remembers that Allah is the All-Encompassing Giver, the Healer, and the One Who grants His servants sufficiency, he calls out:

{...I have been struck by adversity, and You are the Most Merciful of those who show mercy.}

[Surat al-Anbiyā’: 83]

{...My Lord, grant me by Your grace virtuous offspring...}

[Surat Ᾱ l ‘Imrān: 38]

{...“My Lord, do not leave me childless, for You are the Best of the Inheritors.” So We answered his prayer and gave him John, and made his wife fertile. They used to hasten in doing good deeds and used to call upon Us with hope and fear, and they were humble before Us.}

[Surat al - Anbiyā’: 89 - 90]

And the sick person who suffers severe pains, when he remembers that Allah is the All-Encompassing Giver, the Healer, and the One Who grants His servants sufficiency, he calls out:

{...I have been struck by adversity, and You are the Most Merciful of those who show mercy.}

[Surat al - Anbiyā’: 83]

Allah Almighty, thus, removes the grief and distress and grants the remedy. Indeed, He is the All-Encompassing Lord.

The person in heavy debt feels greatly anguished and thinks that there is no way out of his tough problem. Yet behold! Allah opens up his heart and makes him resort to Him, the All-Encompassing, the Most Generous and he, thus, calls out: O You Who fulfill our needs and You are All-Encompassing in Your giving!

{Is He [not better] Who responds to the distressed when he calls out to Him, and Who relieves suffering...}

[Surat an - Naml: 62]

In response, Allah Almighty helps him repay his debt and He provides for him from where he does not expect. Then, the smile appears on his face and he feels calm and tranquil.

{Say, “Allah rescues you from it and from every distress...}

[Surat al - An’ām: 64]

{Is He [not better] Who responds to the distressed when he calls out to Him, and W ho relieves suffering...}

[Surat an - Naml: 62]

In response, Allah Almighty helps him repay his debt and He provides for him from where he does not expect. Then, the smile appears on his face and he feels calm and tranquil.

{Say, “Allah rescues you from it and from every distress...}

[Surat al - An’ām: 64]

The scholar may experience a tough problem and he finds the solution elusive and does not know the right thing to do. At this point, he stands in humiliation before his Lord, implores Him, and calls out: O You Who are All-Encompassing in Your giving and knowledge. O You Who taught Abraham, teach me! O You Who granted understanding to Solomon, grant me understanding!

Thereupon, help and success arrive and the problem gets solved out of the bounty of Allah, the All-Encompassing.

The husband and wife fall in dispute and get separated, destroying all bonds of love between them. Thereafter, each of them goes through a hard time after divorce. But then, they resort to their Lord, the All-Encompassing.

Thereupon, He compensates each of them by someone better than his or her previous spouse:

{But if they choose to separate, Allah will compensate both out of His abundance, for Allah is All - Encompassing, All - Wise.}

[Surat an - Nisā’: 130]

{But if they choose to separate, Allah will compensate both out of His abundance, for Allah is All-Encompassing, All-Wise.}

[Surat an - Nisā’: 130]

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