A whisper..

Abdullah ibn Mushabbib al-Qahtāni

When Allah Almighty says:

{...Fo r Allah is Ever - Watchful over you.}

[Surat an - Nisā’: 1]

And when He says:

{...And Allah is Ever - Watchful over all things.}

[Surat al - Ahzāb: 52]

He actually seems to tell us the following:My servant, do you think that if you manage to conceal your sins from people, you can also manage to escape from Me?

{...For Allah is Ever - Watchful over you.}

[Surat an - Nisā’: 1]

And when He says:

{...And Allah is Ever - Watchful over all things.}

[Surat al - Ahzāb: 52]

He actually seems to tell us the following:

My servant, do youthink that if you manage to conceal your sins from people, you can also manage to escape from Me?

This speech becomes even more relevant in this time of ours, in which temptations are prevalent and easy to reach.

It is said that the most effective factorin building a person’s character is “heedfulness of Allah Almighty” and the strongest factor in destroying a person’s character is “heedfulness of people”.

If you get into seclusion and become alone, do not say: I am alone.

Rather say: My Lord is Ever-Watchful over me.

O Allah, we implore You by Your name “Ar-Raqīb” to make us among Your close servants who fear You at all times, in public and in secret. O Allah, make us moderate in poverty and in richness, and make us just at times of anger and content.

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