Be thankful!

Abdullah ibn Mushabbib al-Qahtāni

Indeed, the blessings of Allah Almighty are countless and numberless:

{...If you try to count the blessings of Allah, you cannot count them. Indeed, mankind is highly unjust and ungrateful }

[Surat Ibrāhim: 34]

Our Lord bestows favors upon us even though He does not need us, fear us, or expect anything in return from us. Rather, He gives us out of benevolence, bounty, and kindness from Him

.{I have not created the jinn and mankind except to wo rship Me.I seek no provision from them, nor do I want them to feed Me.Indeed, it is Allah Who is the Al l - Provider, Lord of Power, the Strong.}

[Surat adh - Dhāriyāt: 56 - 58]

Many people are ungrateful, however.

{They know Allah’s favors, yet they deny them, and most of them are ungrateful.}

[Surat an - Nahl: 83]

He gives you although you have no right upon Him, and after that you deny His rights! He bestows favors upon you without you doing Him any favor, and then you show ingratitude to Him!

{Woe to man; how ungratef ul he is!}

[Surat ‘Abasa: 17]

The blessings of Allah Almighty reach you in a successive manner. When you ask from Him, He gives you; when you supplicate Him, He responds to you; and when you seek His help, He extends help to you. You cannot become self-sufficient except through Him. Hence, if you give thanks for these blessings, you still need to thank Him for another blessing; that He has enabled you to show gratitude.

{And [remember] when your Lord declared, ‘If you are grateful, I will surely give you more...}

[Surat Ibrāhim: 7]

{...If you try to count the blessings of Allah, you cannot count them. Indeed, ma nkind is highly unjust and ungrateful.}

[Surat Ibrāhim: 34]

Our Lord bestows favors upon us even though He does not need us, fear us, or expect anything in return from us. Rather, He gives us out of benevolence, bounty, and kindness from Him.

{I have not created the jinn and mankind except to worship Me. I seek no provision from them, nor do I want them to feed Me. Indeed, it is Allah Who is the All - Provid er, Lord of Power, the Strong.}

[Surat adh - Dhāriyāt: 56 - 58]

Many people are ungrateful, however.

{They know Allah’s favors, yet they deny them, and most of them are ungrateful}

[Surat an - Nahl: 83]

He gives you although you have no right upon Him, and after that you deny His rights! He bestows favors upon you without you doing Him any favor, and then you show ingratitude to Him!

{Woe to man; how ungrateful he is!}

[Surat ‘Abasa: 17]

The blessings of Allah Almighty reach you in a successive manner. When you ask from Him, He gives you; when you supplicate Him, He responds to you; and when you seek His help, He extends help to you. You cannot become self-sufficient except through Him. Hence, if you give thanks for these blessings, you still need to thank Him for another blessing; that He has enabled you to show gratitude.

{And [remember] when your Lord decl ared, ‘If you are grateful, I will surely give you more...}

[Surat Ibrāhim: 7]

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