The company of Allah:

Abdullah ibn Mushabbib al-Qahtāni

The more one is heedful of Allah Almighty in his life, the more he enjoys Allah’s company.

So, heed your Lord before and during worship, when you engage in permissible things, and when you commit sins.

Before worship, heed Him by considering your intention and making it sincere for Him. The Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said:

“And every person will get the reward according to what he has intended.”

[Narrated by Al - Bukhāri]

“And every person will get the reward according to what he has intended.”

[Narrated by Al - Bukhāri]

During worship, continue to heed Him and be certain that you do what you do sincerely for His sake.

And when you engage in permissible things, heed Him by showing politeness and gratitude to Him for His favors.

And when you are about to commit a sin, you should heed Allah Almighty by refraining from the sin and not violating the limits set by Him. The believer quickly turns to his Lord in repentance and does not persist in sinning.

{And hasten towards forgiveness from your Lord...}

[Surat Ᾱ l ‘Imrān: 133]

{And hasten towards forgiveness from your Lord...}

[Surat Ᾱ l ‘Imrān: 133]

If you heed Allah Almighty in those four situations, this will yield relief and pleasure within your heart.

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