A Reminder!

Abdullah ibn Mushabbib al-Qahtāni

In the Hereafter, there will be a tribunal in which rights will be returned to those to whom they are due. As there will be no money on that Day, good and bad deeds will be the basis of settlement. Everyone will be in desperate need even to a single good deed in his record.

The measure for any commodity is decided in line with its value. For example, iron is weighed by tonnes, fruits by kilograms, gold by grams, and diamonds by carats. But in the Hereafter deeds will be weighed by atoms.

{So whoever does an atom’s weight of good will see it,and whoever does an atom’s weight of evil will see it.}

[Surat az-Zalzalah: 7- 8]

Be careful about the rights of others. If you take any person’s right unjustly, you will not be absolved of it. The Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) would even probably decide some rights in favor of those who were more skillful in presenting their arguments. So, he said:

“Verily, I am only a human and the claimants bring their disputes to me; perhaps some of them are more eloquent than others. I judge according to what I hear from them.So, if I decide for anyone anything from the right of his brother , he should not take it, for indeed I thus give him a portion of fire.”

[Narrated by Al - Bukhāri  and Muslim]

{So whoever does an atom’s weight of good will see it,and whoever does an atom’s weight of evil will see it.}

[Surat az - Zalzalah: 7 - 8]

Be careful about the rights of others. If you take any person’s right unjustly, you will not be absolved of it. The Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) would even probably decide some rights in favor of those who were more skillful in presenting their arguments. So, he said:

“Verily, I am only a human and the claimants bring their disputes to me; perhaps some of them are more eloquent than others. I judge according  to what I hear from them. So, if I decide for anyone anything from the right of his brother, he should not take it, for indeed I thus give him a portion of fire.”

[Narrated by Al - Bukhāri and Muslim]

O Allah, You are Sufficient for us! So, be with us and do not be against us and forgive us, our parents, and all Muslims!

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