Rest assured!

Abdullah ibn Mushabbib al-Qahtāni

As the believer knows that Allah Almighty is the Encompassing, he feels reassured and relies upon his Lord and fears Him. He does not think that Allah’s support will come late, nor does he despair of His mercy or lose hope for relief. Indeed, relief will come to him without any doubt!

He knows that the scuttling of the ship is an act of complete kindness, the killing of the boy is an act of perfect mercy, and the concealment of the treasure of the two orphans is an act of utmost loyalty.

{And how can you have patience in something about which you h ave no knowledg e?}

[Surat al - Kahf: 68]

Yet all matters are predestined and happen at certain times, not before or after. Indeed, everything with Allah has a determined term:

{And if you are patient and fear Allah, their plot will not harm you at all. Indeed, Allah is Encomp assing of what they do.}

[Surat Āl - ‘Imrān: 120]

{And how can you have patience in something about which you have no knowledge?}

[Surat al - Kahf: 68]

Yet all matters are predestined and happen at certain times, not before or after. Indeed, everything with Allah has a determined term:

{And if you are patient and fear Allah, their plot will not harm you at all. Indeed, Allah is Encompassing of what they do.}

[Surat Āl - ‘Imrān: 120]

However, Allah Almighty set a certain measure for everything. It has a specific time, which it cannot miss. So, when something is predestined to happen, none can delay it or bring it forward even for a single hour.

Any distress has its specific term after which it goes away. So, we should not be in rush to get what we want and get rid of unpleasant things. This is not our decision or responsibility. What we are required to do is to pursue the proper means and display patience. Indeed, help and relief from Allah Almighty reach those who seek it everywhere!

Ibrāhīm (Abraham) (peace be upon him) was surrounded and thrown into the fire. And then it was nothing but coolness and peace for him!

Likewise, Yūsuf (Joseph) (peace be upon him) was surrounded by his siblings, who threw him into the well. And he was surrounded another time by the governor’s wife and other women with her. And he was put in jail. But Allah, the Encompassing, dispelled the plots of the enemies and granted victory and support to Yūsuf, putting him in charge of the treasures of the country at the time.

The household of the mother of Mūsa (Moses) (peace be upon him) was surrounded, and she had to throw him into the river. Yet, this turned out favorably for her and him, and he returned to her while she was reassured.

Pharaoh surrounded Moses (peace be upon him) and his followers, yet this ended up in destruction for Pharaoh and victory for Moses!

The disbelievers surrounded the Prophet’s house, and he left Makkah, expelled and sorrowful. Then, Allah Almighty encompassed his enemies and he later came back to the city, victorious!

As the believer recalls that Allah is the Encompassing, he increases in faith and pleasure about his Lord and he flees to Him, being humbly submissive to His greatness and commands, in line with the verse that says:

{Therefore flee to Allah. Surely I am a clear warner to you from Him.}

[Surat adh - Dhāriyāt: 50]

{Therefore flee to Allah. Surely I am a clear warner to you from Him.}

[Surat adh - Dhāriyāt: 50]

To You I seek refuge, and who else can grant refuge!

Give refuge to a weak servant who needs Your protection!

I have tried every refuge in my life but found no refuge more mighty and honorable than Your refuge!

So, answer my supplication and respond to my earnest request.

Indeed, whoever supplicates You and turns to You in hope is never disappointed!

O Allah,we implore You by Your Name "the Encompassing" to encompass our enemies with punishment and give us relief from every distress and a way out from every hardship!

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