Al-Hādi (The Guide)

Abdullah ibn Mushabbib al-Qahtāni

I went astray for long, not knowing guidance.

This brought darkness into my heart.

And when Allah wanted to drive me towards guidance,

He showed me the path of the truth and guided me.

So, I threw away the darkness of misguidance and ruin,

and turned to the bright light of guidance.

I proceeded towards the religion of Prophet Muhammad,

rightly guided, and became, after the misguidance, a caller to guidance.

Out of Allah’s mercy towards His servants, He rendered guidance in His Hand and He called Himself

We pause here with this name as we implore Allah Almighty to guide us to the truth and to the straight path.

Allah Almighty says:

{...Allah surely guides those who believe to the straight path.}

[Surat al-Hajj: 54]

He also says:

{...but your Lord is sufficient as a Guide and Helper.}

[Surat al - Furqān: 31]

{...Allah surely guides those who believe to the straight path.}

[Surat al-Hajj: 54]

He also says:

{...but your Lord is su fficient as a Guide and Helper.}

[Surat al - Furqān: 31]

Our Lord, Exalted be He, is the One Who guides His servants to bring about benefits and ward off harms and evils and He teaches them what they do not know. He guides them to success, inspires them to be pious, and makes their hearts relenting and submissive to Him.

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