Evidence to Prove the Prophecy of the Prophet Muhammad (sws)

Muhammad Elsayed Muhammad

The First Proof:
The Belief Prophet Muhammad (sws) Brought
To understand the importance of the belief with which the Prophet Muhammad (sws) brought,
we must notice the following:
From Allah's Wisdom, the issue of belief was the first issue to be addressed from the very first
day of the Prophet's message. Prophet Muhammad (sws) began his first steps in the call by asking
people to testify that there is no god but Allah. His mission was to allow people to know their
God and to worship Him alone.
The proof of this assertion may be found in the following:
A) The countries of Bilad al-Sham (Greater Syria) in the north were ruled by Arab leaders on
behalf of the Byzantine Empire, and the countries of Yemen in the south were ruled by
Arab leaders on behalf of the Persians, while the Arabs themselves had nothing to rule
except the Hijaz and the Najd (the western and eastern-central Arabian Peninsula),
which were nothing more than barren desert with fertile oases scattered here and there.
Muhammad (sws) could have stirred up feelings of Arab nationalism if his goal was
just to unite Arab tribes eroded by blood-feuds and torn apart by small-scale conflicts.
Muhammad (sws) was known as 'The Honest' and 'The Trustworthy' among his people.
Fifteen years earlier, the nobles of Quraysh had chosen him to judge between them
concerning the matter of the Black Stone (of the Kaäba) and they accepted his judgment.
He was from Bani Hashim, the most noble branch of the tribe of Quraysh. He could
have united them and directed them to take back their extorted lands from the colonial
empires (the Byzantines in the north and the Persians in the south) and raised the flag of
Arab identity and nationalism. He could have established a strong unity over the whole
of the Arabian Peninsula. Had he done that, all Arabs would (more than likely) have
responded to his call, instead of suffering for 13 years in the opposite direction to reform
the belief of the Arabs, then others, and ultimately, the whole of mankind.
It could be said that, after the Arabs responded to Muhammad (sws) and he had
assumed the position of leader and consolidated power and glory in his hand, he would
have been in a position to use this influence to establish the belief of pure Islamic
monotheism with which Allah had sent him, but Allah, the Glorious and Exalted, the
All-Knowing and Wise, did not direct His messenger to do that. He instructed him to
come out openly with the truth that "there is no god but Allah" and, with the few who
would respond to him, to bear a great amount of suffering. But why?
It is not that Allah, the Glorious and Exalted, wanted His prophet and the believers to
suffer; rather, it was that He knew that would not be the way. The point was not just to
rid the world of Byzantine or Persian rule and turn it over to the Arabs.
The world belongs to Allah, and it must be made only for Allah. And the world will
not be made only for Allah until the flag of 'La ilaha illa Allah' has been raised so that no
one has power over anyone but Allah, for all power belongs to Allah and there is no law
but that of Allah. The only nationality Islam wants for people is the nationality based on
the creed that declares Arab equal to Byzantine, Persian and any other ethnic or cultural
group under the banner of 'La ilaha illa Allah' (There is no true god but Allah).
Take, for example, Salman al-Farisi, named thus because he was from Persia (Furs),
Sohaib al-Rumi, from the Byzantine Empire (Rum), and Bilal al-Habashi from Abyssinia
(Habashah; currently Ethiopia). All of them were companions of Prophet Muhammad

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