The Prophet's Call: Could It Have Been Brought by an Illiterate Man?

Muhammad Elsayed Muhammad

Yet again we return to the claim with which the Prophet (sws) came, to take a close look and discover its nature and goals.

Through research and contemplation, it shall become clear to us that the Prophet's (sws) message was a natural, ingrained thing to call for; its theoretical principles are sound enough to satisfy any rational mind and its practical elements are appropriate for any energy level. It is a call that suits human instincts and needs, a call that does not play mind games or stretch the imagination, a call that arouses a person's curiosity to learn more about it, to understand and grasp the evidence for it. It is a call, built on truth and goodness, which points out the right way, in all its foundational elements and secondary branches, in its beliefs and edicts.

A wise man was once asked, "Why did you embrace Islam?" He replied, "When I studied Islam, I did not find anything it told me to do that my mind could not accept or anything it told me not to do that reason told me to do. All its commands and prohibitions were acceptable to logic and reason and law and order." This was the mind of a rational, perceptive man, and it was the truth, as attested to by every aspect of Islam. Let us give a few examples:

A - True monotheistic belief: Islam is a simple creed with no complicated theory or ambiguity; its evidence is clear and supported by that which lies beneath man's senses and thoughts. It is so clear that it leaves no room for doubt or suspicion.
B - Belief in bodily resurrection and the Day of Judgment: this belief is strongly tied to monotheism, for belief in only one God who is the epitome of perfection necessitates belief in His absolute wisdom, and such wisdom requires that believer and unbeliever, pious and profligate, helper and harmer are not equal; inevitably, there must come a day when each is either rewarded or punished. There is nothing impossible about resurrection, for He Who is able to create initially has the ability to bring back.
C - Belief in Allah's Messengers: between this belief and the previous two is the strongest of bonds and firmest of ties. The wisdom of Allah negates the possibility that He would create man, neglect him and then punish him without presenting him with clear criteria (by sending him prophets and messengers).
D - Belief in what the prophets were sent with: belief in Allah's Messengers requires that we believe in what they were sent with.
E - The call of Islam is distinguished by its universality—for it has come for all mankind—and its comprehensiveness, since it ensures all their worldly and heavenly interest. It takes care of all their physical and spiritual interests, both individually and collectively. It spreads virtues, fights injustice and vice, and makes peace with those unbelievers who desire it.

Islam has not left any issue, except that it has paved a clear path for Muslims to take. Nations the world over try to follow the methodology of Islam and benefit from its guidance and instructions for every matter, great or small. Islam is a call of comprehensive reform for all aspects of the life, from the details to the big picture.

Could this possibly have been accomplished by an illiterate man, raised amongst illiterate people? Of course not! History has not recorded a single man like him. The truth is that Muhammad (sws) really is a messenger sent by Allah.

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