The Stance of the Unbelievers towards both Call and Caller

Muhammad Elsayed Muhammad

The unbelievers' position toward the new dynamic in their town was to resist: they fought against the call, the caller and those who believed from the beginning of the Prophet's (sws) mission. They harmed him (sws) greatly through word and deed, and persecuted his companions, through various methods of torture and oppression.

Many reports bear witness to the patience of the Prophet (sws) and his companions for the sake of this call. One example is Bilal, one of the Prophet's (sws) companions and the first one to make the call to prayer. He was a slave of Umaya ibn Khalaf (one of the worst enemies of Islam). He used to put a rope around Bilal's neck and ask the boys to lead him in circles around the mountains of Mecca. He would beat him regularly with a stick, force him to sit in the blazing hot sun and deprive him of food and water. Even more, when the heat of the sun was at its greatest, he would take him out to the desert, put a huge rock on his chest and say, "You will stay here until you die or disbelieve in Muhammad and worship al-Lat and al-`Uzza (names of idols)." In this situation, Bilal merely answered, "(Allah is) One! (Allah is) One!" Some of the Prophet's (sws) other companions suffered greatly under torture because they believed in this great religion, but none of this caused them to leave their religion or disbelieve in the Prophet (sws) and his call, and so Allah rewarded them greatly for their belief and patience. 

In their war against Islam, the unbelievers tried every weapon and every method. Then in the end, they believed in the Prophet's (sws) message and his prophecy and gathered around him.

After the Prophet's (sws) death, some people claimed that they were prophets, like Musailama the Liar, for instance. He claimed that he was also a prophet. Some dissidents followed him because they evidently hated Islam and envied the Muslims. Apparently, they had been pretending to accept Islam, while hiding the unbelief in their hearts. The Muslims fought Musailama and his followers, and Allah granted victory to the Muslims, while Musailama was killed and the dissenters suffered the worst defeat ever. Thus we see the fate of Musailama the Liar and his false claims!

Do you see how Allah Almighty has combined the name of Musailama, the pretender to prophecy, and the feature of lying? He has brought them together in the pages of history to bring lasting shame and punishment to this liar. You may notice the vast difference between the man who lied when claiming prophecy and the man who was true in his call and clear about his message.

Allah rewarded Prophet Muhammad (sws) and his call with victory and brought his life to a conclusion in the best way.

Prophet Muhammad (sws) was patient; he spent his whole life in struggle until he was granted victory by Allah. Then, when Allah granted him victory, he was finally able to spread the great religion with which Allah Almighty had sent him. Allah immortalized the name of His prophet (sws) throughout the pages of the history, and Allah combined His Blessed Name, His Majesty, and the Prophet's (sws) name in every call to prayer. 

No sooner does the call to prayer end in one place on earth than it begins in another. After this great religion spread to the ends of the earth, we were able to hear this true testimony everywhere: I bear witness that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad (sws) is the Messenger of Allah.

Allah Almighty supported Muhammad (sws) with victory all his life and after his death. That is because he was sent by Allah, the Glorious and Exalted. That is because he is the last of all Allah's prophets, may His peace and blessing be upon them all.

We send prayers upon him and ask Allah to pray upon him. We will forever combine the name of the Prophet (sws) and praise for him. No sooner do we mention the name of the Prophet (sws) or any pronoun referring to him, for Allah knows the rank and position of His prophet (sws) and the prayer of Allah on his Prophet (sws) means praise for him. Likewise, the name of the Prophet (sws) is rarely ever mentioned without his epithet, which he received before his mission, "The Honest and Trustworthy."

  The question that presents itself then is: 

Is it possible that Allah Almighty would grant His prophet (sws) victory and give him all that support if he was lying about his mission? 

No, the truth is that the Prophet (sws) had a high position with his Lord, which is why he deserved support from Allah.

Have you noticed how Allah Almighty combined His Blessed Name with that of His prophet and honored the mention of his name? Have you seen how Allah Almighty immortalized the name of the Prophet by joining it with the features of honesty and trustworthiness? Muhammad (sws) is, truly and verily, the Messenger of Allah and the Seal of the Prophets, peace be upon them all.

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