Superiority of making ablution at night (i.e, praying)

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Superiority of making ablution at night

(i.e, praying)

71) Narrated Uqba bin Aamir : I heard Allah's Messenger saying: One of my followers gets up at night pushing himself to perform ablution (for prayer). On him there are several knots of the Satan. When he washes his hands, a knot loosens. When he washes his face, another knot loosens. When he passes his wet hands over his head, yet another knot loosens. When he washes his legs, the last knot loosens. Then Allah  says to those beyond the eyes (angels): Look at this slave of Mine who cures/his inner-self and asks Me forgiveness. So, what he asks is given to him.


(This Haditb is sound and reported by Ibn Hibban and Ahmad in his Musnad).


This Hadith shows that wealth is given to a Muslim so that he may perform prayers perfectly and pay the annual charges known as Zakat in Islam. But the human being is so greedy that he knows no extent to his desires. He goes on collecting wealth until the last breath.

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