We would like to draw attention to certain aspects of the Hour, or the Last Day proof of the coming of the Hour, or the Last Day

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We would like to draw attention to certain aspects of the proof of the coming of the Hour, or the Last Day:


1.Man's unspoiled, good nature and straightforward, honest reason:


Allah (Mighty & Majestic) created the life of this world as a realm of trials and tribulations for men. A person spends his brief time in the life of this world meeting tests and challenges Allah (Mighty & Majestic) has set for him. His Lord (Noble & Sublime) has charged him with obligations and forbidden him from violating the prohibitions and transgressing the limits set for him. This is in accordance with the requirements of the Wisdom of Allah (Mighty & Majestic). Then, after that, this person meets his due after death when his Lord (Noble & Sublime) presents him with his account.

     Man's good nature and honest reason reject the idea that the destiny of a good, obedient servant of Allah (Mighty & Majestic) could be the same as that of a bad person who did evil deeds and disobeyed Allah (Noble & Sublime). They refuse to believe that good people are equal to bad people—that they both die without the superiority of one over the other ever being established.

     As everyone knows, the life of this world is not the realm of reward and punishment. One might see a good person's rights being violated or an innocent being harmed by thugs or tyrants just because they are stronger or more forceful than him, and he may die before getting revenge or getting back his rights.

     Therefore, there must be another world where there is punishment and reward: where such matters can be settled, where the oppressed can take his right back from the oppressor, where the righteous will be rewarded by Allah Almighty for the good deeds performed in this world, and where the wicked will face the consequences of the evil deeds he did in this world, as a punishment for him.

     This is what agrees with normal human nature and rational minds. In fact, they actively seek it out. This is what Allah Almighty has acknowledged in the form of a rhetorical question in His Saying (Noble & Sublime), {Shall We treat those who believe and do righteous good deeds as those who spread corruption on the earth? Shall We treat the righteous as the wicked?}[Saad 38: 28]

     {Shall We then treat the Muslims like the criminals? * What is the matter with you? How you judge!}[Al-Qalam 68: 35-36]

     Uncorrupted human nature and sound reason refuse to accept that good people be equated with bad people.


From another angle, the Hereafter is a moral necessity.

     If there were no afterlife for reward and punishment, people would not uphold moral values and good qualities, and no society can survive without these. Without the Hereafter, honest people would ask themselves (hypothetically): Why should I care about being honest when I could get what I want by doing this and that…without being honest?

     If there were no afterlife where people get rewarded for the worldly things and interests they sacrificed by being honest and bearing other good traits and noble values, it would make more sense for them to abandon their morals in order to get what they want in this world.

     Therefore, the Hereafter is a moral necessity, in order for societies to maintain order and avoid corruption, and this is from the Wisdom of Allah (Mighty & Majestic).

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