The Ancient Kingdom of Israel : Kingship and Prophethood
The story of King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba is the final part in a series of articles about the Ancient
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The Ancient Kingdom of Israel : Into the Golden Age
The prophets of God were mere human beings but their responsibilities required that they posses exceptional
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The Ancient Kingdom of Israel : Wisdom
“And God gave him (David) the kingdom and AlHikmah (Prophethood), and taught him of that which He
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The Ancient Kingdom of Israel : Prophet David
King Saul took his army through a series of tests in order to assure that his fighting force was made up only of
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The Ancient Kingdom of Israel : Saul Recruits an Army
Prophet Samuel informed the Children of Israel (Israelites) that the pious young man known as Saul would be their
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The Ancient Kingdom of Israel – An Islamic Perspective : Prophet Samuel and King Saul
According to Biblical history[1], the ancient Kingdom of Israel was ruled over by a succession of Kings.
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The Talmud and Its Authors
What Is The Talmud? The Talmud is the basic book of Judaism. Encyclopedia Britannica states that the Hebrew
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The Authority of the Talmud in Judaism
There is a misconception about Judaism common among Christians and Muslims. This is the misleading idea that
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Is the Quran Anti-Semitic? : Abiding by the Covenant
God’s Favor is in keeping to the Commandments As mentioned earlier, the favor of God towards the Israelites
02/02/2010 3682