Superiority of the words (There is no God but AIlah)
Superiority of the words (There is no God but AIHih) 101) Narrated by'Abdullah bin Amr bin AI-' Aas
10/01/2011 3382 -
The Kauthar (a river of Prophet Muhammad in Paradise)
The Kauthar (a river of Prophet Muhammad in Paradise) 100) Anas narrated: Prophet Muhammad one day
10/01/2011 7449 -
The Worst Places
The Worst Places 99) Muhammad bin Jubair bin Mut'am narrated that somebody came to the Prophet
07/01/2011 6008 -
The Plague Reward
The Plague Reward 98) Utba Ibn Abd As-Salami narrated that Prophet Muhammad said: Martyrs and who
07/01/2011 3644 -
Hadith Qudsi 97
97) Abu Huraira narrated: Prophet Muhammad said: Allah said: Any slave of mine (Ibn Muthanna narrated Allah
05/01/2011 3510 -
If neighbours witness that the dead was pious Allah forgives him
If neighbours witness that the dead was pious Allah forgives him 96) Anas narrated that the Prophet
05/01/2011 3874 -
Allah's Endowment upon Prophet Muhammad
Allah's Endowment upon Prophet Muhammad 95) Ibn Abbas narrated that the Prophet said: I asked Allah
04/01/2011 3514 -
The Upper Hand is better than the Lower
The Upper Hand is better than the Lower 94) Abu Umama narrated that the Prophet said: 0 son of Adam if you
04/01/2011 4707 -
Hadith Qudsi 93
93) Narrated 'Abdullah bin Arnrbin Al-Aas that the Prophet recited the Words of Allah that Ibrahim
04/01/2011 3340