• Funeral Prayer

    Site Team

      Funeral Prayer: Performing the Funeral Prayer over the deceased is a collective duty; if

    27/09/2011 3608
  • Istisqaa’ (Rain Prayer)

    Site Team

      Istisqaa’ (Rain Prayer): This prayer is a means of seeking rain from Allaah The Almighty. The Prayer

    27/09/2011 4619
  • Eclipse Prayer

    Site Team

        Eclipse Prayer: It is the prayer that is performed when there is an eclipse of sun or

    26/09/2011 3358
  • Two Feasts (‘Eeds) Prayer

    Site Team

        Two Feasts (‘Eeds) Prayer:   They are ‘Eed Al-Fitr (the

    26/09/2011 3768
  • Its description

    Site Team

      Its description: It consists of two Rak‘ahs like the Fajr Prayer. It is recommended that

    25/09/2011 3902
  • Rulings of the Khuttbah

    Site Team

      Rulings of the Khuttbah: If one enters the Masjid while the Imam is delivering the sermon, he

    25/09/2011 3635
  • Jumu‘ah (Friday) Prayer

    Site Team

      Jumu‘ah (Friday) Prayer: It is obligatory upon every male, adult, and sane Muslim

    24/09/2011 4096
  • The Prayer of the Traveler

    Site Team

      The Prayer of the Traveler: It is permissible for the traveler to shorten the prayer consisting of

    24/09/2011 5706
  • The Prayer of the riders

    Site Team

      The Prayer of the riders: It is obligatory for a Muslim who performs prayer while riding his

    23/09/2011 4896
Knowing AllahIt's a beautiful day