The Second Angle
The Second Angle: The second angle is the idaafah (relating) of the maf’uool
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d. Light is Allaah’s Hijaab (Veil).
d. Light is Allaah’s Hijaab (Veil). The Prophet said: “Light is His Hijaab, If
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c. Allaah’s Nur is also related (mudaaf) to the heavens and the earth
c. Allaah’s Nur is also related (mudaaf) to the heavens and the earth as in His
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b. That An-Nur relates to His most Honorable and Majestic Face.
b. That An-Nur relates to His most Honorable and Majestic Face. ‘Abdullaah ibn
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An-Nur (The Light) One of Allaah’s Names
In the Name of Allaah, Ar-Rahmaan Ar-Raheem, I begin to write: All
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