Why do Muslims Fast? Part I
Why do Muslims Fast? Part I - By Dr. Bilal Philips These days when most of us who are
22/06/2013 3356 -
From the Benefits of Fasting
From the Benefits of Fasting Allah (Subhaanahu wa Ta'aala) says: {O you who believe, fasting has
17/06/2013 2545 -
The Etiquettes of Fasting
The Etiquettes of Fasting A) Protecting the tongue (from evil speech and that which is similar). The
17/06/2013 4329 -
The Excellence of Ramadan and Fasting
The Excellence of Ramadan and Fasting 1) The Messenger of Allah (sal-Allahu 'alayhe wa sallam)
17/06/2013 5027 -
Al-Istighfaar (Asking Forgiveness)
Al-Istighfaar (Asking Forgiveness) Sheikh-ul-Islam ibn
15/06/2013 3291 -
Stories of Great Converts; Wish and Request
Stories of Great Converts; Wish and Request Having read the previously mentioned wonderful
03/06/2013 2839 -
The Rulings of The Sacrifice To Be Done On The Day of 'Eid Al-Adhaa
The Rulings of The Sacrifice To Be Done On The Day of 'Eid
01/06/2013 3057 -
Actions Specific to the Last Ten Days of Ramadaan
Actions Specific to the Last Ten Days of Ramadaan The Messenger – صلى الله عليه وسلم –
01/06/2013 3276 -
Sinning While Fasting [Does it Break the Fast?]
Sinning While Fasting [Does it Break the Fast?] It is reported that ‘Umar –
29/05/2013 4565