The difference between the scientific Tafseer and scientific miracles
On the face of it, the scientific approach to Tafseer is a concept more comprehensive than scientific miracles, as
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Principles of Tafseer that are unanimous among Muslim scholars
It should be known that the scholars have agreed on a methodology for interpreting the Qur’an, and as such it
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The ruling on scientific Tafseer
With regard to this genre of Tafseer, there has been a history of controversy among Muslim scholars that continues
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The linguistic and conventional definition of Tafseer
Tafseer (interpretation) is derived from Safr (lit. to reveal or disclose). Tafseer has a similar
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Guidelines for determining the I‘jaazrelationship between the text and facts
Guidelines are the principles that determine the course of study of the scientific miracles according
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Definition and conditions of scientific truth
Scientific truth (Al-Haqeeqah Al-‘Ilmiyyah) is a compound term. Defining it requires defining both of its
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The above study demonstrates that the termsMu‘jizah and I‘jaaz (miracle) are accepted and correct for the
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The definition of a ‘miracle’ (I‘jaaz and Mu‘jizah)
The definition of a ‘miracle’ (I‘jaaz and Mu‘jizah) Language and terminology And to what extent the term conforms
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Historical usage of I‘jaaz and Mu‘jizah (miracle)
It can be traced, according to the following, how the term first appeared and became used
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