You should know that Allah The Almighty loves you

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You should know that Allah The Almighty loves you

Dear brother and sister in Islam,

If Allah The Almighty has tested you with some hardships and difficulties, then you should know that He loves you and wants to hear your supplication.

If Allaah The Almighty has granted you a little money in this world, then you should know that He loves you and He will give you what is more in the Hereafter.

If Allaah The Almighty has granted you satisfaction, then you should know that He loves you and He has granted you the greatest blessing.

If Allaah The Almighty has endowed you with patience, then you should know that He loves you and that you are a winner.

If Allaah The Almighty has granted you sincerity, then you should know that He loves you. So, be sincere to Him.

If Allaah The Almighty has tested you with some worries, then you should know that He loves you and expects you to thank and praise Him.

If Allaah tested you with some sorrow, then you should know that He loves you and tests your faith.

If Allaah The Almighty  has granted you money, then you should know that He loves you and that you should not be miserly towards the poor.

If Allaah The Almighty has afflicted you with poverty, then you should know that He loves you and that He has granted you what is more valuable than money.

If Allaah The Almighty has granted you a heart and a tongue, then you should know that He loves you, so use them in enjoining what is good.

If Allaah The Almighty has endowed you with love for prayer, fasting, the Quran and night prayer, then you should know that He loves you and you should be grateful.

Allaah The Almighty has bestowed the blessing of Islam upon you; this proves that He loves you.

Allaah loves you, so, how is it that you do not love Him?

Allaah The Almighty has granted you so much, so, how can you not love Him? 

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