The prayer description (4/5)

Dr Fakhruddin bin Zubair Al-Mahsi

Article translated to : العربية Français

38. When one does sujood, he should extend his palms, bring his fingers close to one another and direct them towards alqiblah and does not raise them from the ground.

39. Feet tips should be standing and close to one another. The toes should be in the direction of al-qiblah and not raising them from the ground.

40. The arms should be raised from the ground and not on the floor like dog’s position.

41. One says “Subahna Rabbial-A’la [Glory be to my Lord Most High]” three times or more and prays in whatever he wants.

42. Then one raises his head saying Takbeer, sits in assurance until all his bones are back to their place.

43. He flexes his left leg, sits on it and leaves his right leg in a straight position beneath him with his toes in the direction of al-qiblah.

44. It is allowed sometimes to squat between the two sujoods and it means: to stand on the heels and the fronts of his legs.

45. In this position, between the two sujoods, one says: “O Allah forgive me, O Allah forgive me” or other mentioned.

46. Then one says Takbeer, does the second sujood and repeats what has been done in the first sujood.

47. After rising from the second sujood and be ready to stand for the second rukah, one says Takbeer and sits for a second before standing up. It is named the rest sitting which is sunnah after every sujood.

48. Then one stands depending on the floor with his hands.

49. And repeats what has been done in the first ruku without reciting the opening dua’a.

50. After finishing the second rakah, one sits and recites the Shahada, sits on the left leg with the right left straight as previously mentioned between the two sujoods.

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