Belief in the Messengers

Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah bin Baz

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Belief in the Messengers

A Muslim should believe in all Allah's Messengers without exception. He must believe that Allah sent mankind Messengers from amongst them as warners, bearers of glad tidings, and callers to the Truth. Whoever follows them will certainly attain bliss and happiness, and whoever disobeys them will be doomed and disgraced. Muhammad 


was the best of all these Messengers. Allah says: "And assuredly We have sent amongst every people a Messenger (proclaiming), ' Worship Allah (Alone) and avoid the worship of Taghut (false deities)."  (Soorah 16:36)

"Messengers who gave good news as well as warning in order that mankind should have no plea against Allah after the Messengers." 

"Muhammad is not the father of any man among you, but he is the Messenger of All


āh and the last of the Prophets."  (Soorah 33:40)

A Muslim should also believe in those Prophets and Messengers that Allah or His Messenger was authentically reported to have named, such as Nüh, Hud, S

ālih, and Ibrāhim - alaihum as-salaam

(Soorah 4:165)

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