What is Islamic creed?

What is Islamic creed?

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The pillars of the Islamic creed are six Belief in Allah The Almighty, His Angels, His Books, His Messengers, The Last Day (Resurrection) and Al-Qadar(Divine

Q: What is Islamic creed?

A: Islamic creed is the matters that Muslims unanimously agree upon its truth. 


Q: What's Islam?

A: Islam is the verbal and spiritual conviction that all what our Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) came with is true.


Q: What are the pillars of the Islamic creed i.e. its tents?

A: The pillars of the Islamic creed are six:

  • Belief in Allah The Almighty,
  • His Angels,
  • His Books,
  • His Messengers,
  • The Last Day (Resurrection) and
  • Al-Qadar(Divine Preordainment; good and bad). 

Q: How to believe in the existence of Allah The Almighty?

A:It is to believe that Allah The Almighty exists by Himself and not by the help of anything else, He is Omnipresent and Eternal. 

Q: How to believe that Allah is Eternal [Qadeem]?

A: It is to believe that Allah has existed before everything; with no beginning and no end and thus, He is beyond nonexistence.  


Q: How can one believe in Al-Baqaa’ of Allaah The Almighty, the Exalted?

A: It is to believe that Allaah The Almighty will remain forever and that His Baqaa’ has no end, and that He is everlasting and thus He will never experience nihilism and thus He will be eternal in the future.


Q: How can one believe that Allaah The Almighty is Mukhaalif lil Hawaadith (unlike the created beings)?

A: It is to believe that there is none like unto Allah The Almighty; in His Essence, Attributes and Actions.


Q: How to believe that Allah is Unique and differs from His creations? 

A: It is to believe that there is nothing like unto Allah; His Self, Attributes and Decrees. Allah is above everything we see or comes to our minds. This is clear in the words of Allah:

There is nothing like unto Him[Ash-Shura: 11].

Q:How to believe that the Attributes of Allah differ from that of His creation? 

 A: It is to believe that the Knowledge, Power, Will, Existence, Hearing, Sight, and Words of Allah The Almighty are unlike that of His servants. 


Q:How to believe that the decrees of Allah The Almighty are unlike the actions of His created beings?

  A: It is to believe that the actions of Allah differ from and beyond that of His beings. This is because Allah is the All-Wise and never decrees anything haphazardly. He is he Ever-Able to do everything with the help of no one.  Allah The Almighty says:  


His command is only when He intends a thing that He says to it, "Be," and it is[Ya-Sin: 82].   


Q:How to believe that Allah The Almighty Qaa’im bi Nafsih (Self-independent)?

A: It is to believe that Allah The Almighty is in no need to anything. He needs neither a place nor a destination nor anyone of His creation. He is the Sustainer and independent while all things depend upon Him.


Q:How to believe in the Life of Allah The Almighty?

A: It is to believe that Allah The Almighty is Alive but His Life is unlike that of His creation. Our lives depend on some means such as blood and air while the Life of Allah does not depend on anything. He is Eternal. 


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