In the following pages we shall be dealing with the sixth of Allah’s Beautiful Divine Names,
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Ar-Razzaq _ The All-Provider
In His Divine Book, the Holy Quran, Allah, Glory to Him, says, “Is there any creator other than
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In this lecture we shall be dealing with the fifth of Allah’s Beautiful Divine Names:
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As-Salam _ The Source off peace, Safety and perfection
ow, we move on to the third Divine Name of Allah, “As-Salam” (The Source of peace, safety and
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Al-Quddous _The Holy
Now we go to the second of Allah’s Beautiful Divine Names and Attributes, Al-Quddous (The Holy). Allah, Most
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Al-Khaliq _The Creator
Allah is the standard Arabic word for "God", used by Arabic-speakers of all Abrahamic faiths, including Christians and Jews, as well as Muslims.
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Al-Mou'iz, Al-Mouthil _The One Who honors and abases
In the vastness of this sixteenth Divine Name of Allah, Most Gracious, we seek happiness. The Name is
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Al-Qabid, Al-Bassit _The Withholder, The Extender
n the following pages, Allah will manifest Himself to us through His Beautiful Divine Names,
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Al-'Aleem _ The omniscient
Now, we go on to deal with the fourteenth of Allah’s Beautiful Divine Names, “Al-‘Aleem”
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